Browse all your photos and videos without worrying about RAW conversion, duplicates or video formats
Easily find specific pictures using powerful search filters
Includes five high-resolution world maps to bring back memories of your favorite trips
Play Live Photos™ by hovering over them in albums and search results
Recognizes the faces of your family and friends
Automatic classification of pictures based on their content and location
Our mission is to provide the most user- and privacy-friendly solution to keep your pictures organized and accessible. That's why PhotoPrism was built from the ground up to run wherever you need it, without compromising freedom, privacy, or functionality.
Because we are 100% self-funded and independent, we can promise you that we will never sell your data and that we will always be transparent about our software and services. Your data will never be shared with Google, Amazon, Microsoft or Apple unless you intentionally upload files to one of their services. 🔒